從極簡主義、工業、聲音藝術、Trance、流行甚至古典音樂中汲取靈感,Alexmalism 創造出一個屬於自己的折衷主義音樂世界。2018年末,他的首張個人專輯《TKO》由Absurd Trax發行。專輯名想法來自David Harvey關於全球資本主義不公平的地理學著作,取義香港城市急速發展造成的垃圾堆填重地將軍澳(Tseung Kwan O, 也稱Junk Bay)。Alex從極簡音樂入手,收穫成果卻頗為豐富。整張專輯里有trance,house,techno,在工業節奏之上又添加了不循規矩的合成器音效。有些曲目是興奮的,活躍的,有些則是陰暗的,折磨的,就像將軍澳的雙重性。
The Hong Kong-based music producer, sound artist, and DJ Alexmalism explores the boundary in between styles and genres, and his first debut track ‘Sombre’ was released in the complication ‘Mental Maps’ by the pan-Asia label Chinabot.
Known as Junk Bay historically, Tseung Kwan O locates at the southeastern part of New Territories. While being one of the nine new towns of Hong Kong which was developed by the Colonial British Government to accommodate the growing population, it is also where the South East New Territories Landfill locates.
The British marxist David Harvey once defines the suburbs as ‘a way to absorb the surplus product and thereby resolve the capital surplus absorption problem’, places like Tseung Kwan O is merely a result of capitalism where consumerism is at the heart of the place, so as the landfill there almost symbolizes the excessiveness of consumerism perfectly.
As one might spend their whole life living in a place but still lack of belongingness, the feeling of deterritorialization forms the undertone of this EP. The title of this EP ‘TKO’ also stands for ’Tseung Kwan O’, which is the place where Alexmalism lives for more than ten years. This EP is not only inspired by the suburban, utilitarian cityscape, but also it explores the dysphoria of living in the suburb through the dualistic character through combining a highly minimalistic yet almost plasticky sound and euphoric industrial beats and rhythm.
released December 14, 2018