
music producer, singer-songwriter, sound artist, writer, and researcher

Art Practice/Experimental Stuffs/Sound

My Own Music (Pop)

Contemporary Classical Music

Commercial Music Production




每個人都有自己的陰暗面,有自己的不良嗜好,有些不見得光,只可閂埋房門。 但如果只是一個幻想,是否仍然過份? 「誰在摧毁了日常? 誰又安撫了平常?」 .

Singer 唱:尹光 (feat. 阿弗)
Composer 曲:Alexmalism
Lyricist 詞:阿弗
Arranger 編:Alexmalism
Producer 監:Alexmalism / 阿弗 / Loveda Tommy

《00》 Rae Law
Mixing & Mastering

《遊戲》& Remix

唱: Rae Law
作曲、歌詞: 阿弗
編曲、監製: Alexmalism@MMSP

Game & Remix

Vocal: Rae Law
Music, lyric: AFuq
Arrangement, production: Alexmalism@MMSP

由阿弗填詞和旋律創作,Alexmalism製作音樂,香港新進唱作歌手 Rae Law 在二零二一年的盛夏帶來了全新單曲《遊戲》。在徐徐鋼琴和弦樂襯托底下,Rae Law唱出對愛情遊戲糾纏不清的心聲。另外由阿弗執導,並由著名影像製作人Arman Dzidzovic擔任攝影,《遊戲》 的MV講述一對「玩夠未」的情侶,在尖東五光十色的街頭上,上演一場「玩唔起」的愛情追逐遊戲,令人回想起那些年的痛和愛,並向90年代經典港產片致敬。

另外,由Alexmalism 重混的《遊戲》Y2K remix,結合了重型EDM的電子節拍和Rae Law 迷人的歌聲,在激動人心的節拍底下,帶你回味在千禧年油尖旺夜不停派對裡的心動回憶。

Written by Afuq and music produced by Alexmalism, the emerging Hong Kong singer-songwriter Rae Law presents her new single “Game” in this summer of 2021. Accompanied by the murmuring piano and strings, Rae Law sings to express the voice from a never-ending love game. Otherwise, directed by Afuq and shot by the famous filmmaker Arman Dzidzovic, the MV of “Game” portraits a “never-ending” couple chasing each other under the street light of East Tsim Sha Tsui, in which it reminds of the pain and love of the long gone past as a dedication to the 90s Hong Kong cinema.

Besides, Alexmalism has also produced the Y2K remix of “Game” by combining heavy EDM style beats and Rae Law’s charming voice. Under the euphoric rhythm, the remix brings back the heart-pounding memories from those Y2K parties happened in Tsim Sha Tsui and Mongkok area.

喜愛 Oreo 口味的新進唱創女歌手 Rae Law 為澳洲香港混血兒,喜愛流行曲和Hyperpop 風的 Rae 自2020年以來便開始創作音樂,其第一首歌曲便是聯同了著名 Wildstyle Records 撒野作風的製作人 Floyd Cheung ,在地下說唱歌手柒羊的單曲《-40°C》當中錄唱。後來,Rae 更聯同音樂製作人 Kelvin T 於同年推出其首張聯名 EP 《Ketapop》和二零二一年的聯名單曲《I Am the Party》。在音樂世界外,Rae Law 的興趣是做瑜伽和跳鋼管舞。

Loving the taste of Oreo, the emerging singer-songwriter Rae Law is a mix of Australia and Hong Kong. Since 2020, pop music and Hyperpop have inspired Rae to create her own music. Rae first appears in the underground rapper Yung Takeem’s single “-40°C” featuring the famous Wildstyle Records Producer Floyd Cheung. Then, Rae co-releases her first EP “Ketapop” and single “I Am the Party” with producer Kelvin T from 2020 to 2021. Outside of the music world, Rae Law’s hobby is doing yoga and practicing pole dance. 

The Young Person’s Guide to HKFO

In celebration of Hong Kong Festival Orchestra’s (HKFO’s) 5th anniversary, HKFO presents the world’s first large-scale choral-orchestral music video - “The Young Person’s Guide to HKFO”, putting on record classical music performed at impossible places. Directed by the award-winning director Chankai, “The Young Person’s Guide to HKFO” is a commissioned work in remembrance of the past 400 years of Western Classical Music, taking you on this voyage through time and set sail across your favourite tunes. The music video features Hong Kong’s prodigious pianist Aristo Sham as soloist for the piano excerpts in the masterpiece.

香港節慶管弦樂團一直以創意、激情、活力推動本土文化藝術發展,在城市的角落埋藏驚喜­,與大眾一同分享音樂的喜悦。為慶祝樂團成立 5 周年,節樂 2014 樂季為廣大樂迷錄製全球首個大型合唱交響樂串燒歌音樂影片 -《勁歌交響曲》。由委約作曲家編曲,由得獎導演陳楷主理,走遍香港意想不到的地點演­奏拍攝,配合節樂的嶄新演繹,《勁歌交響曲》集合古典音樂 400 年來膾炙人口的經典名曲,帶領樂迷重溫一首又一首難以忘懷的醉人美樂。負笈英倫的鋼琴­神童沈靖韜亦強勢回港加入鋼琴曲目的錄製過程。

Director: Chan Kai

Producers: Stephanie Liu, Sean Li, Francesca Chan, Andy Mok

Music Director and Conductor: Sean Li

Composer/Arranger: Alex Yiu

Piano: Aristo Sham

Cello: Cecilia Chan

Cor anglais: Wong Lui Kwan Alexander

Hong Kong Festival Orchestra