香港獨立音樂唱作人 Alexmalism 發行首張粵語單曲《虛擬妄想》,探索社交媒體虛擬世界的幻象
香港音樂唱作人 Alexmalism 首張包辦詞、曲、編、監、唱的粵語流行曲單曲《虛擬妄想》,也是他首張填詞和演唱的歌曲,將於二零二二年五月廿七日登陸各大串流平台。
二零二二年五月(香港)/《虛擬妄想》是一首描繪社交媒體成癮所造成的錯覺的歌曲。在疫情期間,Alexmalism從自我隔離的經歷中汲取靈感,在日常使 用社交媒體的過程裡,我們自願輸入了許多數據,令數據和算法主宰我們日常生活(包括感情)。單曲封面為 Alex 以 iPhone 前置 truedepth 鏡頭所拍下 的 3D 立體頭像,是從電話的角度,去理解人是如何透過虛擬化的形象,去解鎖電話進入虛擬世界。
《虛擬妄想》的音樂受到了前衛流行音樂和銳舞音樂如 Björk 和 SOPHIE 的影響,作為對銳舞和粵語流行音樂的重新想像——通過互聯網的網絡效應實 現文化的混合,其中它反映了 Alexmalism 自己的在地下俱樂部音樂文化的參與和香港的文化背景。
《虛擬妄想》將收錄於 Alexmalism 粵語歌大碟當中,並於9月發行。今年夏季將有更多單曲發佈,敬請密切留意!
香港音樂唱作人 Alexmalism 首張包辦詞、曲、編、監、唱的粵語流行曲單曲《虛擬妄想》,也是他首張填詞和演唱的歌曲,將於二零二二年五月廿七日登陸各大串流平台。
二零二二年五月(香港)/《虛擬妄想》是一首描繪社交媒體成癮所造成的錯覺的歌曲。在疫情期間,Alexmalism從自我隔離的經歷中汲取靈感,在日常使 用社交媒體的過程裡,我們自願輸入了許多數據,令數據和算法主宰我們日常生活(包括感情)。單曲封面為 Alex 以 iPhone 前置 truedepth 鏡頭所拍下 的 3D 立體頭像,是從電話的角度,去理解人是如何透過虛擬化的形象,去解鎖電話進入虛擬世界。
《虛擬妄想》的音樂受到了前衛流行音樂和銳舞音樂如 Björk 和 SOPHIE 的影響,作為對銳舞和粵語流行音樂的重新想像——通過互聯網的網絡效應實 現文化的混合,其中它反映了 Alexmalism 自己的在地下俱樂部音樂文化的參與和香港的文化背景。
《虛擬妄想》將收錄於 Alexmalism 粵語歌大碟當中,並於9月發行。今年夏季將有更多單曲發佈,敬請密切留意!
夢是夢 或是一種真相 是風吹過你的臉
但是現 實並不需知道 在心中不散的火焰
屏幕發光 誰又在記住那
誰又會講 Do you remember me?
從來沒記得這 發現過程
看那數據結果不意外 甚麼都是意識的命題
每句鳥語是一種計算 如可解密那思想字謎
才不過一字兩手三問四取 虛擬角色 你便迷惘
曾聽說今日這刻記憶中找到 虛幻妄想 那臉龐
你我每秒說千億廢話 但都不能說清楚約誓
智慧算法定數天注定 誰都不能破解這問題
從此我今日這刻望不清一切 虛幻妄想 終一世
Underground producer Alexmalism announces his Cantopop new single ‘Virtual Delusion’
Release date: 27th May, 2022
Artist: Alexmalism
Title: 虛擬妄想 Virtual Delusion
Composer, producer, arranger, lyricist, vocal: Alex Yiu Album artwork: Alex Yiu
May, 2022 (Hong Kong) / The underground producer Alexmalism has announced his Cantopop single ‘Virtual Delusion’ to be available on all major streaming platforms on 27th May. This single is part of his Cantopop album to be released in August, 2022. As his first Cantopop debut, Alexmalism not only composed, produced, and wrote the music, lyrics, but also dedicated the singing by himself, which serves as ‘Virtual Delusion’ his singing debut.
Drawing from his pandemic experience of self-isolation, ‘Virtual Delusion’ is a song that depicts the delusion created from social media addiction, in which Alexmalism sees how data and algorithm have become the de facto totalism of our perceptual everyday life, including romantic affairs, which is
calculated through locations and languages by our data inputs while yet we are unable to detach our living without its control. The album artwork is created by Alex himself using the iPhone front-facing camera to capture his own 3D model, which assumes from the iPhone’s perspective of how human beings are understood and have gained access to the virtual world.
The music of ‘Virtual Delusion’ draws its sound significantly from avant-pop and rave music, as an re-imagination of what could rave and cantopop music can be - the hybridization of culture through the network effects of the internet, in which it reflects Alexmalism own cultural background and his former involvement with underground club music culture.
‘Virtual Delusion’ will be included in Alexmalism’s cantopop album to be released in Sept, 2022. Furthermore singles will be announced during the summer of 2022. Please stay tuned!
Virtual Delusion is distributed by SEEAHOLE LIMITED